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The YDJ boys take on Movember for 2021!

Why YDJ get involved with support Movember each year

Movember is an annual event which is about creating awareness for men’s mental health. This could be anything from anxiety, cancer, men’s suicide and more.
Talking, listening and being there for someone doing it tough can be lifesaving! Check in if you know someone is going through a difficult time, and be prepared to listen. Family and friends will listen and not judge.

If you would like to donate to this great cause and help raise awareness for men’s mental health, why not get behind Stuart or Justin’s fundraising page?

Stuart’s Movember page:

Justin’s Movember page:             

Your donation could help save a father, a brother, a son, a friend, a partner, a man’s life!

This Sunday, 21st November, Justin and Stuart will once again be running from Hobart’s waterfront Wrest Point Casino, to the top of Kunanyi (Mt Wellington – 1,271m above sea level).

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