Your Doctor Jobs takes seriously its commitment to preserve the privacy of your personal information that we collect.
We will only collect information that is reasonably necessary for the proper performance of our activities or functions as a medical recruitment agency.
We do not collect personal information just because we think it could be useful at some future stage if we have no present need for it.
We do not collect or use personal information for the purposes of unlawful discrimination.
We may decline to collect unsolicited personal information from or about you and Your Doctor Jobs may take such measures as we think appropriate to purge it from our systems.
Your Doctor Jobs’s Privacy Policy complies with the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).
If you have any questions, please contact us.
2. Information Collection
Your Doctor Jobs manages personal information, as an APP Entity, under the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).
We will collect personal information from you directly when you fill out and submit one of our registration forms, application forms, or any other information in connection with your application to us for work.
As a contracted service provider to a range of Commonwealth, State and Territory government agencies, it may be necessary for us to collect and manage personal information as an Agency under different privacy arrangements.
If you wish to know whether this applies to you, please contact us.
When Your Doctor Jobs collect personal information, we will:
This policy may change over time in light of changes to privacy laws, technology and business practice. If you use our website regularly or conduct transactions with us that involve to collection of your personal information, it is important that you check this policy regularly to ensure that you are aware of the extent of any consent, authorisation or permission you might give.
The type of personal information that we collect and hold is information that is reasonably necessary for the proper performance of our functions and activities as a medical recruitment agency (see section 4 – ‘Purposes’) and is likely to differ depending on whether you are:
Sensitive information is only collected with consent and where it is necessary for the performance of our functions and activities as a medical recruitment agency. Sensitive information will need to be collected where it relates to a genuine occupational requirement or an inherent requirement of the job or work being considered. Our collection of some types of sensitive information is also governed by equal opportunity and anti-discrimination laws.
The type of information that we typically collect and hold about Workseekers is information that is necessary to assess amenability to work offers and work availability; suitability for placements; or to manage the performance in work obtained through us. It includes:
The type of information that we typically collect and hold about Clients is information that is necessary to help us manage the presentation and delivery of our services and includes:
The type of information that we typically collect and hold about Referees is information that is necessary to help make determinations about the suitability of one of our Workseekers for particular jobs or particular types of work and may include:
4. Purposes
The purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information are those purposes that are reasonably necessary for the proper performance of our functions and activities as a medical recruitment agency and are likely to differ depending on whether you are:
The following sections are also relevant to our use and disclosure of your personal information:
Information that we collect, hold, use and disclose about Workseekers is typically used for:
Personal information that we collect, hold, use and disclose about Clients is typically used for:
Personal information that we collect, hold, use and disclose about Referees is typically used for:
We may use your personal information for the purposes of direct marketing except where you have specifically requested we don’t. We market to Workseekers and Clients using a variety of methods including email, phone and print.
We provide Workseekers and Clients the option to opt out of receiving marketing material from. Upon receipt of this request their marketing preferences are updated on our systems.
If you do not wish to have your personal information used for direct marketing purposes, you may contact your recruitment consultant or our Privacy Coordinator and request not to receive direct marketing communications from us, at which time your marketing preferences will be updated on our systems.
5. How your personal information is collected
The means by which we will generally collect your personal information are likely to differ depending on whether you are:
Sometimes the technology that is used to support communications between us will provide personal information to us. See section 5.5 – ‘Electronic Transactions’.
Personal information will be collected from you directly when you fill out and submit one of our application forms or any other information in connection with your application to us for work.
Personal information is also collected when:
We may also collect personal information about you from a range of publicly available sources including newspapers, journals, directories, the Internet and social media sites. We collect personal information about you from publicly available sources for inclusion in our records only as is reasonably necessary for the performance of our functions and activities as a medical recruitment agency and this information is managed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Personal information about you may be collected:
We may also collect personal information about you from a range of publicly available sources including newspapers, journals, directories, the Internet and social media sites. We collect personal information about you from publicly available sources for inclusion in our records for inclusion in our records only as is reasonably necessary for the performance of our functions and activities as a medical recruitment agency and this information is managed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
5.3 For Referees
Personal information about you may be collected when you provide it to us:
We may also collect personal information about you from a range of publicly available sources including newspapers, journals, directories, the Internet and social media sites. We collect personal information about you from publicly available sources for inclusion in our records only as is reasonably necessary for the performance of our functions and activities as a medical recruitment agency and this information is managed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
We may request proof of identification from you including copies of your passport, visa and or driver’s license and will only do so for the performance of our functions and activities as a medical recruitment agency.
You should also read the section about Electronic Transactions because sometimes your communications with us may attach profile images of yourself that you have uploaded to the Internet.
5.5 Electronic Transactions
This section explains how we handle personal information collected from our website and by other technology in the course of electronic transactions.
It is important that you understand that there are risks associated with use of the Internet and you should take all appropriate steps to protect your personal information. It might help you to look at the OAIC’s resource on Internet Communications and other Technologies.
It is important that you:
Please contact us by phone or mail if you have concerns about making contact via the Internet.
Sometimes, we collect personal information that individuals choose to give us via online forms or by email. For example, when individuals:
In order to assess your suitability for positions and to assist you to find work, we conduct Internet searches using search engines and regulatory or government agency sites by entering your name and relevant identifying details.
When you look at our website, our website host makes a record of the visit and logs (in server logs) the following information for statistical purposes:
We do not identify users or their browsing activities except, in the event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the Internet service provider’s server logs.
We do not accept responsibility for the privacy policy of any other site to which our site has a hyperlink, and it is advisable to look at the privacy policy of other sites before disclosing personal information.
Cookies are uniquely numbered identification numbers like tags which are placed on your browser. By themselves cookies do not identify you personally, but they may link back to a database record about you. If you register on our site we will then link your cookie back to your personal information details.
This website uses cookies to ensure your next visit to the site is easier, enhancing your user experience. We use them, for example, to remember your search preferences, to make the information you see more relevant to you, to help you sign up for our services and to protect your data. It also allows us to effectively analyse how our visitors use our website and to monitor its performance.
If you do not wish us to retain any information about your visit to our site you might consider deleting the cookies on your browser and changing the settings on your web browser program.
If we use web bugs we will display a clearly visible icon on the page. The icon will include the name of the company collecting information and will be labelled as a tracking device. The Web bug will be linked to a page disclosing what data is collected, how it is used, and which companies receive the data. Web visitors will be able to opt out of data collection by Web bugs. Web bugs will not be used to collect sensitive information.
In cases where we use cloud computing services we will take reasonable steps to ensure that:
Please make sure that you do not upload photographs of any individuals who have not given consent to the display of their photograph. Displaying photographs without that person’s consent may breach privacy laws, and you may be responsible for any legal consequences.
Our technology systems log emails received and sent and may include voting, and read and receipt notifications to enable tracking.
When your email address is received by us because you send us a message, the email address will only be used or disclosed for the purpose for which you have provided it and it will not be added to a mailing list or used or disclosed for any other purpose without your consent other than as may be permitted or required by law.
Our telephone technology (systems and mobile phones) logs telephone calls and messages received and sent and enables call number display, which may include your profile picture if you have provided it.
When your call number is received by us because you phone us or send us a message, the number (and profile picture) will only be used or disclosed for the purpose for which you have provided it and it will not be added to a phone list or used or disclosed for any other purpose without your consent other than as may be permitted or required by law.
Teleconferences and video conferences may be recorded with your consent. In cases where it is proposed that they be recorded, we will tell you first the purpose for which they are to be used and retained.
We use a cloud-based database to log and record recruitment operations. This database contains the information and documentation you have provided us. This database operates from servers that permit disclosure to cross-border recipients. Your information will only be used or disclosed as reasonably necessary for the performance of our functions and activities as a medical recruitment agency.
Our staff use laptops, tablets, phones and other portable electronic devices that allow them to access, retrieve and store your personal information.
Recognising the environmental advantages and efficiencies it provides, we operate a partially paperless office as a result of which your paper based communications with us may be digitised and retained in digital format. The paper based communications may be culled.
It is therefore important that, except where specifically requested, you do not send us originals of any paper based document and that you retain copies for your own records.
Where we do request original paper based documents we will return them to you once they are no longer required by us for the purpose for which they may be used or disclosed.
When your personal information is collected it will be held in our Information Record System until it is no longer needed for any purpose for which it may be used or disclosed, at which time it will be de-identified or destroyed provided that it is lawful for us to do so.
We take a range of measures to protect your personal information and these are outlined further in section
There are some inherent risks in the use of the Internet Communications and other Technologies. For me information, click here.
It is important that you read the section on Electronic Transactions and Cross-Border Disclosure if you are using Internet Communications or other technologies to communicate with us.
Information you provide to us is stored in our secure cloud-based database and document storage system, which are restricted and accessible by staff through the use of individual log-in credentials.
Information may also be securely stored in hard copy in a lockable filing system until such time as it is digitised and that information filed in our cloud-based document storage system. When this occurs, the hard copy document/s are subsequently destroyed.
Your information is also securely retained as part of our backup and Disaster Recovery processes. Backups are secured with access by authorized IT persons only.
Where we utilise Cloud computing services, please also refer to section ‘5.5 – Electronic Communications – Cloud Computing Services’ to understand our obligations.
We will take all reasonable steps to ensure the information you provide us remains secure and confidential and is only used for the performance of our activities or functions as a medical recruitment agency.
We take a range of measures to protect your personal information from misuse, interference and loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. These measures include:
This section deals with our disclosure policies. Personal Information that we hold about you is only disclosed for the primary and related purposes for which it was collected. In this section you will find out about our policies dealing with:
We may disclose your personal information for any of the purposes for which it is primarily held or for a related purpose where lawfully permitted.
We may disclose your personal information where we are under a legal duty to do so, including circumstances where we are under a contractual duty to disclose information.
Disclosure will usually be:
In addition to disclosures for general purposes, we may also disclose your personal information for a range of related purposes.
We outsource a number of services to contracted service suppliers (CSPs) from time to time. Our CSPs may see some of your personal information. Typically our CSPs would include:
We take reasonable steps to ensure that terms of service with our CSPs recognise that we are bound by obligations to protect the privacy of your personal information and that they will not do anything that would cause us to breach those obligations.
Some of your personal information is likely to be disclosed to overseas recipients. The likely countries, type of information disclosed and likely recipients are indicated, so far as is practicable, in the following table:
Country | Type of Information | Likely Recipients |
New Zealand | Any information held on our database. | Our partner recruitment agency in New Zealand and subsequently a client/s to whom your job application is being made. |
United Kingdom | Personal and sensitive information including but not limited to CVs, qualifications, identification, references, results of regulatory or government agency checks and any other documentation that we might reasonably be required to provide to prospective Clients the purposes of a job application in that country and only with your clear instruction to do so. | Our partner recruitment agency in the United Kingdom and subsequently a Client/s to whom your job application is being made. |
We will take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that the overseas recipient does not breach the Australian Privacy Principles.
However we cannot guarantee that any recipient of your personal information will protect it to the standard to which it ought be protected. The costs and difficulties of enforcement of privacy rights in foreign jurisdictions and the impracticability of attempting to enforce such rights in some jurisdictions will mean that in some instances, we will need to seek your consent to disclosure.
You have a right to access and correct personal information under the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).
Road Map
This section sets out our policy dealing with:
Subject to some exceptions that are set out in privacy law, you can gain access to the personal information that we hold about you.
Important exceptions include:
If you wish to obtain access to your personal information you should contact our Privacy Co-ordinator on 613 6224 4357. You will need to be in a position to verify your identity.
We might impose a moderate charge in providing access. Our Privacy Co-ordinator would discuss this with you.
You should also anticipate that it may take a little time to process your application for access as there may be a need to retrieve information from storage and review information in order to determine what information may be provided. We will generally respond to your request for access within five (5) working days.
If we refuse to give access to the personal information or to give access in the manner requested by you, we will give you a written notice that sets out:
If you find that personal information that we hold about you is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, you can ask us to correct it by contacting us.
We will take such steps as re reasonable in the circumstances to correct that information to ensure that, having regard to the purpose for which it is held, the information is accurate, up to date, complete, relevant and not misleading.
If we have disclosed personal information about you that is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, you can ask us to notify the third parties to whom we made the disclosure and we will take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in the circumstances to give that notification unless it is impracticable or unlawful to do so.
You should also anticipate that it may take a little time to process your application for correction as there may be a need to retrieve information from storage and review information in order to determine what information may be corrected. We will generally respond to your request for access within five (5) working days.
There is no charge to correct information.
In some cases we may not agree that the information should be changed.
If we refuse to correct your personal information as requested by you, we will give you a written notice that sets out:
You may also ask us to associate a statement that the information is contested as being inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading and we will take such steps as are reasonable to do so.
You have a right to complain about our handling of your personal information if you believe that we have interfered with your privacy.
Road Map
In this section you can learn:
See also section 8 – ‘Access & Correction’.
If you are making a complaint about our handling of your personal information, it should first be made to us in writing.
You can make complaints about our handling of your personal information to
You can also make complaints to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
9.2 How your Complaint will be Handled
When we receive your complaint:
If the complaint cannot be resolved by means that we propose in our response we will suggest that you take your complaint to the Recruitment and Consulting Services Association, Australia and New Zealand (RCSA): the industry association of which we are a member.
RCSA administers a Code of Conduct for the professional and ethical conduct of its members.
The RCSA Code is supported by rules for the resolution of disputes involving members.
NOTE: The Association Code and Dispute Resolution Rules do NOT constitute a recognised external dispute resolution scheme for the purposes of the APPs; but are primarily designed to regulate the good conduct of the Associations members [revise this statement if this should change].
Complaints may also be referred to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
At Your Doctor Jobs we specialise in physician and doctor recruitment across Australia, providing high quality locum and permanent recruitment solutions.
+61 3 6240 1522
Address: Unit 14, 3 Abernant Way, Cambridge, Hobart, Tasmania, 7170
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