Hello YDJ Doctor Community!
Firstly, bloody well done and keep up the exceptional work on the front line!
The world has certainly shifted dramatically over the past month with COVID-19, and each time Scomo’s head appears on the TV we move further into unchartered territory, with state border restrictions and tighter measures to self-isolate
As a locum company that specialises in Rural and remote FIFO locums across most states and territories in Australia, it has been a very busy time for us trying to get doctors home before border restrictions tighten, and to also get doctors to their location before Qantas or Virgin cancel flights.
At YDJ we must adapt as well, and have modified our business strategy to reflect the current locum environment that we must now ask our doctors to locum in.
We have 3 simple strategies:
1. Keep doctors aware of the changing border restrictions for each state. You will see updates from us when there is a major change and what that will mean.
2. Try and place doctors for longer in rural locations, so instead of 2 weeks, why not 4 weeks or longer
3. Keep doctors located in their own state or territory, this will then typically not require any self-isolating, and is safer if travel is limited.
Some states like WA are now making doctors self-isolate on location for anywhere between 7-14 days but do pay them a 1K per day allowance for this, for this reason that is why we advise in some location to stay longer.
City GP’s will get quieter – contact us now
I have a doctor in Canada who was reporting a decrease in patient numbers 3 weeks ago, which was having a dramatic impact on their revenue stream due to the tight isolation measures. And only last week I was discussing this with a NZ doctor that has advised he is also seeing this after NZ went into total lock down last Wednesday.
Will this happen in Australia? I suspect it will in some areas, and I would advise all our doctors that like to locum to get in touch with your consultant and get pro-active if you would like to work during this difficult period. We have rural locum positions now, but I suspect these to become more competitive over the course of the next month.
Finally, doctors will get sick and need help as well. I am already seeing some rural hospitals lose up to 8 doctors, having to self-isolate due to a positive COVID-19 test. So there is also going to be opportunities at very short notice if travel restrictions permit.
Keep up the great work
Justin Smith
YDJ Director
At Your Doctor Jobs we specialise in physician and doctor recruitment across Australia, providing high quality locum and permanent recruitment solutions.
+61 3 6240 1522
Address: Unit 14, 3 Abernant Way, Cambridge, Hobart, Tasmania, 7170
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