New DPA scheme that has replaced DWS

As of today, Monday 1 July 2019, the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) is introduced a new health workforce classification system.

The Distribution Priority Area (DPA) system has replaced the Districts of Workforce Shortage (DWS) system. The stated purpose of this change is to better facilitate the placement of medical practitioners in communities of greatest need across Australia.

The key differences between the DWS and DPA are outlined below:

• Rather than using a GP-to-population ratio, the new DPA system takes into account demographics (gender/age) and the socioeconomic status of patients living in a GP catchment area.

• Inner metropolitan areas are automatically deemed non-DPA.
• MMM5–7 are automatically deemed DPA.
• Northern Territory is automatically deemed DPA.
• Benchmarks will determine the services required in GP catchment areas. These benchmarks will be fixed for three years to allow areas to stabilise their workforce

Just the same as DWS, overseas trained doctors subject to section 19ab must work in a DPA location.

The DoHA has provided a ‘search the map’ tool which allows you to select locations across to Australia to view their classification.

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